About Us
At Morel Ink, we not only provide you with quality DOWL-logoed apparel, but offer multiple brands and styles as well. If you don't see a brand offered that you are interested in, just contact us and we'll do our best to make sure it is added to the site.
We have been providing decorated apparel to customers for over ten years and are dedicated to outfitting you with the latest styles in DOWL-logoed apparel.
Apparel will be added to the site constantly, so please check in frequently to see what's new!
All apparel will be decorated with the DOWL logo unless otherwise noted in the item description (pants, for instance). Once we receive the apparel item from the supplier, decoration time is generally 7-14 business days. We will ship your item(s) as soon as it is ready.
**Please note that the business name listed on your bank/credit card/PayPal statement for your apparel transactions will be MOREL, INC.**